Thursday, February 23, 2006

People have no fucking honor anymore.

Out of the now five wrecks that my car (see almost every other post on this forsaken blog) has been involved in, I have been present (by which I mean actually in my car) for only two, neither of which were my fault. The only one that could possibly be construed as my fault was the time I was hit by a future co-worker, as I might have cut her off. But, we all know what the law says when it comes to a rear-ending. Besides, she told me later that she was looking at a Bennigan's across the road to see if any of her friends were there. Nonetheless, she never accepted any blame for the accident.

Three months after I purchased my car, I walked out on New Year's Day to find a nice dent in the hood of my car, apropos of nothing. Yes, I had been out drinking the night before, but I know, without fail, that I never hit anything. But- no note, no nothing. Just a nice dent and chipped paint that would've cost over $2,000 to repair as two seperate panels would need to be replaced. So, over the last three years, the dent has gone unrepaired, and a nice bit of rust has formed where there was once a nice coat of paint. Fine.

And then today happened. Leaving the grocery store after buying cat and dog food, cat litter and hot dog buns (that's how I shop), what do I see, but a huge fucking dent over the back wheel well of the driver's side of my car (incidentally, the same side as the other hit-and-run awesomeness). Sure, parking lot accidents happen all the time. I marvelled at the fact that I had not even been in the store for more than five minutes, literally. Then I had a clearly moronic thought: 'I'll walk to the front of my car and check the windshield. Surely whoever did this knew what they'd done and left me a note with their insurance information or something.' Boy, am I an idiot.

This was the point that I realized that the car that was parked next to me was the same car that I pulled in next to. How could this have happened? Then I realized that this heinous act of negligence and purposeful denial was most likely perpetrated by the painters and carpenters who have been repairing the house next door over the past month. All have white trucks, and, oh yeah, did I mention the nice streak of white paint on the dent?

It doesn't matter. I'm sure, though I'm exhausting all avenues, that I'll never find out who did this. The damage does not affect the way the car drives, and I assume that even if I were compensated monetarily for the damage inflicted on my car I wouldn't use it to repair the dent. I'd likely put it towards some other matter more pressing.

But that's not the fucking point.

Cowards! The whole lot of us, goddamn cowards. Everyone is so fearful of losing one more dollar or being unnecessarily sued in this horrendously litigious society of ours that common decency, basic human courtesy, has flown right out the window that some asshole left open, even after being told repeatedly not to.

Hey, if I smashed into someone's car, I would be tempted to just drive off as well. Especially during the times that I haven't had insurance. But I wouldn't. I'd leave a note with my number on it or a funny cartoon or something. Something. Anything. I can say this because I know, categorically, that this will likely not ever happen to me because I am an attentive and responsible driver.

Why not be a stand-up dude (or broad) and own up to your mistakes? I don't want your money, but an apology would be nice. Ever consider that?

This post sucks. I know it. I don't care. Ranting on the internet is stupid, but I didn't go to the bar tonight, and so therefore I had no casual acquaintance to unload the full extent of my social commentary onto. All I want is for people to cease to be so frightened of their money and start fearing what it is that really needs fearing: ME, when, as a big pussy, you speed away when you make a mistake.

You fucking pukes. You know who you are.


Anonymous said...

fine. I admit it. it was me.

Unknown said...

Same shit happened to me one night. My car was parked on the street in front of my parent's house (which was probably a bad idea anyway, but it certainly wasn't fucking illegal NOR an invitation for my car to become a sitting idiot target), when I hear this big SMACK sound at about 1:30 am. I didn't think anything of it at the time because it didn't sound quite like 2 cars colliding but more like a bunch of plastic hitting the ground. Lo and behold, I come out to get in my car the following morning and realize that the plastic hitting the ground was my side-view mirror and most of the trim molding on from the side of my car. Mother FUCKERS! The rear quarter panel was also smashed in. Essentially the entire side of the car had been scraped up.

No note. No nothing.

The damage ended up being estimated by insurance at around $3700. The good thing is, after they cut a check or it, I was able to apply it to the loan on the car, which was about $5000. I paid the car off a month later and sold the bitch.

Silver linings. Gotta love em. I hope you find yours. :)